Thursday, January 15, 2009

What a long day

And it's only 330! Today started off like a normal Thursday. I took Makenzie to school, dropped off Thain and Ava, then went and had a pretty good work out. I tried a different eliptical machine today, and it felt pretty good. Usually after that, me and Easton would go run a few errands, eat lunch, then she lays down for a nap, and I clean house and do laundry. Instead, right after the gym today I had to go pick up makenzie because of their REDICULOUS half day today. It was good, because Makenzie has really been asking to spend some time just with me. But it still stole my day. So I picked her up and I told her she could pick where we went to eat (fingers are crossed for RED ROBIN) No such luck. Chuck E Cheese it is. Ugggggg! But it's ok, they have a pretty good salad bar. SO we were there for 2 hours, and I won 104 tickets, thank you very much! After lunch we went to go get Ava and Thain. And Makenzie has never played in their indoor playground at YCW. So we played there for for another 1 1/2 hours. When everyone started getting grouchy we finally came home. So here we are 330pm, and I am pooped! But good news! Since the kids are pretty worn out too, I can let them watch a show in my bedroom (always a treat) and I can watch my shows from last night... Law and Order, Top Chef, AI, daily show and colbert report... Wow, there was laot on last night! Adios!

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