Monday, February 2, 2009


What a fantastic day Sunday was! I had made all the girls rhinestone Steelers shirts. And we had gotten one for Thain at the store. We got them all dressed to go meet Grandma for lunch. I must say, we looked like a pretty cute little family! We were stopped by tons of Steelers fans just to say hi. It was like Christmas how nice everyone was being! LOL.

We were invited by my fantastic friend Dawn to come to their house to watch the game. I love going to her house, because she has five kids. So I know she understands that kids are not always going to be perfect. They might have a break down in a your living room. Or they might hit your kid for no reason at all. Or they might pee in your sons closet because they are scared to aske where the bathroom is. (Yes, all of these are things my children have done!!) But she understands because more than likely one of her kids has done it too. Maybe not pee in someones closet, but you get my drift. I was amazed at how good the kids were. Yes, there was some noise, and some grouchiness towards the end of the night, but they did pretty good. Easton was amazing and didn't fuss the whole time! It was also fun because I think Rick had a really good time, and may have made a new friend in Dawn's husband! And OH MY GOSH, What a fantastic and exciting game! We really had a good time.
Oh I almost forgot the funniest part. Saturday night Romy and Eric t-ped our house... Sort of... They put red streamers and baloons all over our bushes and front yard. And a big Cardinals balloon. it was so funny. They rang the doorbell at about 1030 and night and Rick was like, " who the hell is that??" I said, " I don't know" and tried to subtly grab for the camera. He was so suprised! It was hilarious!!


  1. Omg Too funny Romy and Eric!!! That is classic!!! LOVE IT!! Great job on the girls clothes soooo cute~!

  2. You have such a great friends. And I love the rhinestone fan shirts! You are so creative girl!

  3. That is seriously funny!!! I love it...the v-day pics are precious and I love the entire Steelers family! You guys are precious!

    Jenn McClain
