Monday, January 12, 2009

158.6! Yuck!!

So this is the begining... I wouldn't call this a new year's resolution. I have been working at it since September. But, I AM FAT. And I would like to not be any more. That's it. That is my goal. No goal weight, just "not fat." And I think it is doable. My reason for putting it out here like this is simple. I need to hold myself accountable. I do NOT work well when I ask other people to hold me accountable. (Do I know that I don't need a peanutbutter and dorito sandwich at 10pm... YES, I don't want my poor husband to have to tell me) SO this way, I can kind of tell myself... and well, you. I think it hurts me trying to hide my weight. It's not like you all can't see it. LOL. So hopefully, by putting it out there, honeslty, I can look at it on a regular basis, and know that other people are seeing it. It will keep me motivated to make that number smaller. It will help me make the better choices. Now, I can't diet. I become a grouchy, mean person when I try. But I can... eat a little less, not eat so late, grab carrots and dip instead of potato chips. Here are the things I have already started, and honestly a little frustrated that there is no change so far. But I gave up coke. So hard for me! I LOVE coke. I will have one every once in a while, usually once a week. I was working out just twice a week. Now it is at least 3. 4 If Rick's schedule allows. And I do not eat out during the week, except for my Wed at Mcdonalds with the kids. So this is where I am starting. 158.6 pounds. It hurts me to realize the day before I gave birth to Easton I was 156. Umm, hello, aren't you supposed to LOSE weight after a baby?!! This blog will not just be about my weight. I will of course talk about my family, my babies, my life... But my plan is to post my weight regularly. And hopefully, really soon be able to see the # go down. I know I can do it. Thanks for reading!


  1. Welcome! You need to let me get you a blog header! No charge! Just tell me what you want!

  2. Alright, if we're throwing it all out there- 165.5. I'm here for support if you ever need to vent. In the meantime, check out my post about my weight...

  3. Love you Jess! Post baby I am so going to have my work cut out for me! I am going to out weigh my husband with this pregnancy! (Well there might still be hope! I keep baking him cookies!) :0)

  4. You can eliminate weight naturally with help of some herbs/Diets , its worth try
